Terms of UsePlease read the Terms of Use (“Terms”) before using the Site. Your continued access and useshow your acceptance to become subject to its terms and form a binding agreement betweenyou and Park My License, LLC (the “Company”), a duly authorized Florida company of theUnited States of America. If you object to or disagree with a provision, do NOT use thisSite or register for our service(s) or product(s). You may also refer to our Privacy Policy.1. General PurposeThe Company maintains this website, courses, and other linked or related sites (the “Site”) forits customers, vendors, students, and other Site users (“Users”).2. User’s AcknowledgementUsers assert they are not agents or employees of any other competitive product offering and willuse the Site and Materials solely for personal knowledge and education.Users acknowledge that no partnership, joint venture, employment, or agency relationship existsby using the Site.3. Use of SiteAnyone accessing, viewing, using, or submitting information on the Site is subject to the termsof this document.4. MaterialsThe Company provides various materials, information, quizzes, tests, questions, articles, news,online courses, webinars, speeches, events, subscriptions, memberships, online courses, andother information on this and related sites and in courses offered through this site (the“Materials”).Certain Materials are downloadable, and users may print a maximum of one copy of thoseMaterials. Users may not alter the Materials or the copyright and other proprietarynotices. Users must keep all Materials confidential and not share, distribute, reproduce,sell, auction, loan, rent, giveaway, describe, summarize, record, teach from, or otherwisereveal the Materials or their contents to any other person or entity.You may not collect or receive the Materials through any means not intentionally made availableor provided for through the Site. You agree not to use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful orprohibited or in a manner that could overburden, disable, damage, or impair the Site or interferewith any other party’s use and enjoyment. Users may not attempt to decode or reconstruct theSite or use any automated means, including agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access,Page 1 of 6
manage, or reverse engineer the Site. A breach of the Terms automatically ends your alloweduse of the Site and subjects you to legal action.5. No WarrantyThe Company offers the Materials “as is” with no warranties of any kind. We do not guaranteethe Materials' accuracy and completeness at this Site, including out-of-date information. Wemay change the Materials, services, and prices without notice. Being a current User does notprovide price protection from future price increases, nor does it warrant a refund during apromotional offering to new Users.The Company does not guarantee that you will meet federal, state, or local regulations by usingthe Materials or earn any money using the techniques, strategies, and information in theMaterials. Nothing in the Materials is a promise or guarantee of earnings. Many factorsdetermine your level of success, including knowledge, ability, time, financial resources, businesssavvy, networking, and connections. Any statements describing a future condition or outcomeare expectations or forecasts for future potential and are not guarantees or promises for actualperformance.The Materials do not replace or substitute the services or consultation with trained professionalsin any field, including, but not limited to, accounting, finance, business consulting, legal, realestate, or psychological areas. The Company offers no professional, personal, medical,financial, or legal advice — the User should confuse none of the Materials’ information with suchadvice.Neither the Company nor its employees, officers, agents, partners, affiliates, subsidiaries,contractors, speakers, or assigns will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special,exemplary, or other damages to the Users, including economic loss, that may result fromparticipation, use or inability to use the Materials, information, or strategies communicated orany products or services provided, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Under nocircumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will the Company or its speakers beliable for any consequential or special damages that result from the User’s participation.6. Subscription ServicesMaterials may be part of a subscription service on a defined billing period (e.g., installment,monthly, or annually) based on a prepaid services model. Your subscription will automaticallyrenew on the next billing period for each subscription service.● Credit/Debit Card Billing: The Company charges cards automatically on the customer'sspecific billing cycle date (the same date we processed your first charge).● Payment failure: If the card does not charge successfully, access to the product orservice will stop immediately.● Chargebacks: If a customer starts a chargeback, the Company may assess a $50processing fee for each instance.Page 2 of 6
● Deactivation: The Company reserves the right to remove the User’s account from itsservers after nonpayment.● Collections: If the User has an unpaid balance sent to collections, the Company mayassess a $100 collections fee.● Upgrades/Downgrades: Users must contact the Company to upgrade or downgrade theirsubscription.● Non-responsive: The Company cannot fulfill license transfer requests and other accounttransactions without the User’s timely cooperation. Users agree to receive SMSmessages during the membership (e.g., not responding to critical emails or transactionreminders). Receiving an SMS may incur a fee, depending on the telephone carrier. Youcan opt out of the SMS by replying with ‘STOP’ at any time or contacting the Companyvia email.● Cancellation: Users may cancel subscription services at any time. Access to thesubscription and Materials will continue through the end of the current billing period.After completing the cancellation process, the Company will not charge the User for thenext billing period.We do not grant returns, prorations, or refunds for a partial billing period. A cancellationonly prevents an automatic renewal for the following subscription period. The User’s failure tocancel the subscription before the next billing period does not entitle them to a refund. We donot analyze a User’s log-in activity (or lack thereof) to process a refund.Users may log in to their portal to cancel a subscription, then navigate to their dashboard, clickon My Account > Billing, and Cancel. Alternatively, you may contact us through the supportoption inside your profile, the reply-to email address found in electronic communications, or theContact Us page on our Site.7. Alternative Dispute ResolutionAlternative Dispute Resolution. Both parties agree to work together to resolve any differencesor disputes arising from this agreement. However, if an amicable solution is unavailable, theparties will entrust the matter to an out-of-court alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in OrangeCounty, Florida, as final and binding. It is the sole means for resolving disputes for any past,current, or future issues, whether subject to this agreement or otherwise. THIS CONSENTWAIVES THE RIGHT TO SUE IN COURT, A JURY TRIAL, OR AN APPEAL.● The parties assign the case’s arbitrability solely to the arbitrators while applying theCommercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and not acourt of law.● A party has only one (1) year to file a demand for arbitration after the date such partyfirst knows or reasonably should know of the omission, act, or default giving rise to theclaim.Page 3 of 6
● Each party will equally split the cost of a three-judge panel of arbitrators from the AAA foronly one 8-hour day. The party's other expenses are their direct responsibility, such asan attorney, witness, or interpreter fee.● Each party must select one commercial arbitrator unknown to them within fifteen (15)days of the initial filing date, then those two arbitrators appoint the third arbitrator withinten (10) days. If the two selected arbitrators cannot agree upon an arbitrator unknown tothem, the AAA must choose a third impartial person.● The three-arbitrator panel must contain licensed and practicing lawyers in the State ofFlorida specializing primarily in contracts and business matters for at least ten (10)years.● The arbitrator(s) cannot combine more than one claim. It may only award compensatorydamages (except as required by law) directly and solely caused by errors, acts, oromissions violating the party’s duties. And limit monetary damages to the payments (inU.S. dollars) arising under the agreement and no more. The arbitrators may providepreliminary or temporary injunctive relief for immediate relief matters. A winning partymay file an unsatisfied award in any court with jurisdiction.● A party, arbitrator, or witness may join the hearing via telephone, web conference, or inperson.● The performance of the agreement’s terms must continue during the ADR, includingpayments payable under this agreement unless such an amount is the dispute’s subject.● No party, arbitrator, or witness may divulge the arbitration’s existence, subject, or resultswithout both parties’ prior written consent (except as required by law). In addition, theparties must not communicate with the media, publication entities, or public forums aboutthe ADR.8. Trademark and CopyrightThe Company and other brands, trademarks, and service marks are the Company’s or itsrelated companies. The Materials on this Site are proprietary, confidential, and copyrighted,including but not limited to strategies, tools, and processes. The unauthorized use of theMaterials may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. The Company will pursue legalaction and full damages if a User violates these terms.The trademarks, trade names, logos, or company names of third parties referenced on the Siteare for identification only and are their respective owners' property.9. HyperlinksAny links to external sources are only a convenience and do not imply endorsement of the siteor any association with its operators unless otherwise specified. The Company has not reviewedthese external websites, does not control them, and is not responsible for them or their content.If you access any of the external websites linked to this Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.Page 4 of 6
When you visit a linked third-party website, we may earn compensation as a commission orreferral fee. You will see a disclaimer on the page displaying the sponsored or affiliate link.Please review our Disclosure Policy.10. Limitation of LiabilityThe Company, its suppliers, and other third parties mentioned at this Site are not liable fordamages arising out of the use or an inability to use: 1) this Site, 2) any websites linked from/tothis Site, or 3) the Materials or information (including, but not limited to those resulting frominterruption of services or inaccurate information).Users assume all costs associated with using the Materials or information from this Siteresulting in a need for service, repair, or reconstruction of equipment or data.11. Applicable LawThe laws of the State of Florida govern these terms. Failure to enforce strict performance of theTerms is not a waiver of any right or provision. The Company may assign its duties and rightsunder the Terms without notice to any party.12. WaiversThe Company's omission or commission does not waive its rights or remedies unless theCompany sets aside the violation in writing, and then only to the extent outlined in thatoccurrence. One event's waiver will not be a continuing waiver or bar from any right or remedyin a later instance.13. SeverabilityProvisions found unlawful, unenforceable, or void shall be severable from the remainingagreement and will not affect the remaining provisions' validity and enforceability.14. Headings.Paragraph headings are for reference only and cannot interpret the agreement.15. Assignment.The User may not assign, transfer, or sell their rights and responsibilities to another partywithout the Company’s written permission. The Company may assign its rights and duties duringa sale or merger with a third party by giving the Member a thirty (30) day written notice.16. Heirs. This agreement binds both parties’ representatives and successors in interest.17. Effective Date and UpdatesPage 5 of 6
The Company may change these terms without advance notice. Please check for changesregularly — your continued use of the Site confirms your agreement to the modifications.Last updated: January 1, 2024Page 6 of 6